Have your prospects, customers, or suppliers required you to fill out security questionnaires or asked if you were certified with any security standards? As cybersecurity concerns increase worldwide, many businesses are working to secure all relationships within their supply chain to mitigate exposure to these threats. CDP, through its many partnerships, has helped many customers either achieve or maintain compliance, so they never have to fill out another security questionnaire. If security is part of your 2022 initiatives, We'd be happy to walk you through the process and explain how we can help you with this process.
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SIP Trunking allows businesses to reap VoIP-like benefits with legacy systems, without investing in new infrastructure. SIP has very disruptive pricing models that can drive significant savings to your bottom line while extending the useful life of your premise based hardware. Using SIP, you can consolidate all your communication systems, including data and voice into one bill and a single point of contact.
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