There are very few people, if any, that have experienced a pandemic to this degree before. What seemed to be impossible just a few months ago became a brutal reality for every American in a matter of days. Schools that were once filled with children and teachers are now deserted. Businesses that are not essential have been forced to close their doors. The friendly smiles and greetings we once received from those in our community are now replaced with makeshift masks and fearful eyes. Words like social distancing and quarantine have become apart of our everyday vocabulary. And the excitement we feel when there is only five people in line at the grocery store is the new highlight of our week. Conditions in America went from normal to disastrous in a blink of an eye. Life as we once knew it quickly diminished to what now feels like a movie we can’t escape. Plans to reopen the country are starting to be established yet are still vague and uncertain. At this point, most American’s are stuck at home, looking for an end date to this dystopian nightmare. Over the last few weeks, CDP has been working with our customers who have shared with us their methods of survival and we thought it may be beneficial to share a few of them with you. Here are four tips that you can use to remain sane during these insane times:
1. Limit Your News Intake
It may be tempting to turn on the news every hour or browse the web several times a day in search of updates on the virus. The number one question running through every American’s mind is WHEN will this all go away. However, too much news can be overwhelming and could lead to more stress than not knowing anything at all. If you are stalking the news 24/7, try designating a certain time each day to get caught up.
2. Get Outside
Although we are required to practice social distancing, most “shelter-in-place” plans allow for outdoor activities. Soaking up some natural Vitamin D is not only great for our immune systems, but it also can turn your quarantine blues upside down. Go for a walk, get some yard work done, or sit on your porch and read a book. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you are spending some time outside each day.
3. Keep a Routine
Some of us are enjoying the extra time at home that would instead be used for our everyday commute to and from work or school. However, it is important to remember that although we are home, this is not a vacation. Many employees are still required to work, and most students are obligated to turn in assignments. Have set wake-up times, “office hours”, free time, mealtimes and exercise times. The more we can stick to our routines, the better off we will be mentally and physically.
4. Accept This is Our “New Normal”
While we may not like staying at home for hours on end, this is our way of life for the unforeseeable future. Remember that this is only temporary. Although we are not sure when, there will come a day where we will be able to return to work and kids will be able to return to school. Find a new hobby, reach out to family and friends via Skype or Facetime, accomplish a task you have been pushing off for months. We are all in this together. This virus is affecting every single American in one way or another. Be kind to one another, stay safe, stay calm and most importantly stay healthy. You and your loved ones will be okay.
